Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Aqueduct Challenge

Grade level: 7
Time required: 4 class periods
Cost: $100 for foam board and clay
MA frameworks: Social Studies Geography skill 1.
This challenge activity allows students to learn about topographic maps, basic construction layout concepts, ancient aqueducts of the Romans, and the historical issues surrounding water supplies.
LINK HERE for the aqueduct challenge worksheet.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Wind Turbine Design Challenge

Grade level: 8
Time required: 5 class periods
Cost: $0 if recycled materials are used.
MA frameworks: Technology/Engineering 2.1 - 2.5, also basic physics concepts of work, power.
This challenge allows students to explore both the structural design required for supporting a wind turbine during generation and the blade design needed to create the most power from a given wind resource. Issues of structural integrity, electrical energy, work & power calculations, and the equivalence of different forms of energy can be addresed.
LINK HERE for the Wind Turbine Design Challenge Worksheet.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Paper Pet Genomics and Genetic Counselling

Grade level: 7
Time required: 5-10 class periods, depending upon depth of exploration
Cost: $0
MA frameworks: Life science 7, 8, 9.
This activity extends the "Paper Pets" activity by adding a genome component. Students are provided a genome "map" of the paper pet and are asked to encode and decode the genome during each successive generation. Statistics can be kept about the changing genotypes and phenotypes in the population. A genetic disease is then described and students must detail a procedure that might be used to help those paper pets suffering from the disease. Issues of probability, genomics, Mendelian genetics, Punnett Squares, genetic disease, genetic counselling for parents, and gene splicing therapies can be addressed. This activity is similar to a previously posted activity, and it may be interesting to incorporate the use of the Robolab "DNA reader", but that has not been attempted yet.
LINK HERE for the Paper Pet Genomics worksheet.

Passive Solar Home Design Challenge

This activity challenges students to build upon their knowledge of solar heating techniques to design a passive solar home. Topics of heat transfer (convection, conduction, radiation), insulation and conduction, graphing, and air flow can be addressed. NOTE: This activity was never implemented.
LINK HERE for the Solar Home Challenge worksheet.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Appropriate tool use activity

Grade level: 5
Time required: 1 class period
Cost: $0 if tools are available
MA frameworks: Technology/Engineering 1.2, 1.3.
This outline of an activity offers guidance to educators seeking to provide a hands-on experience with simple hand tools. Massachusetts technology framework "identify appropriate tool to complete a task" is addressed. Student safety is of utmost importance.
LINK HERE for the Appropriate tool use description.