Friday, January 13, 2006

Solar Cooker Design Challenge

Grade level: 8
Time required: 5 class meetings
Cost: $0 if recycled/donated materials are used
MA frameworks: Physical science 14, 15, 16
This activity challenged students to design and construct a solar cooker to heat water above the temperature of the surrounding air using only solar power. Concepts of heat transfer, radiation absorbtion/reflection, alternative energy, thermal mass can all be addressed. This project will be used as a jumping-off point for a solar still (solar water purification) design lesson. This project was tested in Massachusetts in January and was found to have mixed results. Some student groups heated water above it's initial temperature while surrounded by 4 degree Celcius air. Many did not. Redesign of this device is crucial, as well as the forthcoming extension that links solar stills to this activity.
Link here for the Solar Cooker Activity template and activity sheets.
Solar Cooking website.
Maria Telkes - Solar Engineer website.
Mother Earth News - How to Build and Use a Solar Still article - ca 1959.